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KÖFEN Aluminium windows and doors
Folding Doors KÖFEN are another types of aluminum doors that have the most popular. Because of the design for using with opening for all directions like the gate was opened. Aluminium folding door, folding door, aluminium folding window, folding window can make the room look clear, open, and comfortable.
Sliding window KÖFEN was designed by the specialist and to be more easy and convenience on using window with the wheel and rail system that was special designed then it can be slide freely. Aluminium slinding doow, slinding doow, aluminium slinding window, slinding window can make the room opening to get the wind from outside as much as possible.
Multi–Track Sliding Doors KÖFEN are another of sliding doors which designed for unlimited used. Aluminium multi track sliding door, multi-track sliding door can be produced from 1 track to 16 tracks.
The windows were designed that can apply with variety of doors and windows for example, Aluminium casement window, casement window, Aluminium casement door, casement door, Aluminium awning window, awning window, aluminium fixed window, fixed window, Glass rails, shower romms. All products produced by the specialist.

KÖFEN Insect Screens
Insect Screen System, Mosquito nets for windows and doors from ALU-NET are made of premium grade material, rail was made of extruded aluminum with fins inside to strengthen the screen structure. It is power coated with baked oven to ensure the quality of coated color. Colors are selectable to match the color of window and door frames.
KÖFEN rollers insect screens, roller Mosquito nets for windows and doors are the insect screens system, which work like hidden screens. Its rail will be installed on either side or top of the frames with exactly the same color as the frames, therefore, it is like a hidden screens.
KÖFEN pleated insect screen system, pleated Mosquito nets for windows and doors is modern and perfect for all types of doors and windows. Sizes can range up to 4 meters per side and a height of 3 meters. To use, simply Gently pull handles.The screened hidden, it will slide out. Very smooth and soft.
Sliding Insect Screen, sliding Mosquito nets Auto-lock, Magnetic Mosquito nets are specially designed form KÖFEN. This style is perfect for windows and doors. Frames are larger, thicker and very strong.

Doors & Windows fence, Folding Security Gates is another product that research and development by engineering team of 108 Home Design company limited will be extend the idea from folding doors in the past. The design will emphasis on the variety of application.
Not only folding doors but also windows or block panel , trolley, Folding security window, Folding security doors by using design that easy and comfortable for using , easy for assemble and installment. It has the supplement equipment to make more strength, more safety.
The material and structure will integrate with mild steel, aluminum profile, handle and other accessories will produce from stainless steel or other metals. We have petty patent registration for technique and special equipment with the Development of intellectual property. So do not worry about products imitation.

The seamless aluminium guttering route not only has obvious aesthetic appeal but also has a lifetime durability span. The cost of aluminium versus P.V.C. or fibre cement is marginally more expensive, however in a matter of years your investment would be paying off.
G-Paradise aluminium gutters are manufactured using modern aluminium casting techniques and are factory finished.
G-PARADISE gutter aluminium rainwater system is strong and durable with a clever easy fit, time saving design very popular with general builders and self build projects. Lighter and cheaper than cast iron but stronger than steel, this aluminium guttering system will last for 40 years with the correct maintenance.